10 Reasons Why “Double Impact” Is The Perfect Action Movie

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10 Reasons Why "Double Impact" Is The Perfect Action Movie

Van Damme + Van Damme

Van Damme’s charisma in those days was not questioned. Women loved him and men wanted to go to the gym to become him. Not satisfied with his previous line of hits, Van Damme decided to take on not one, but two roles in one film. Van Damme’s dual portrayal of identical twins Chad and Alex is one of the best parts of Double Tap as both characters are night and day different from each other. Alex is a badass who grew up on the rough streets of Hong Kong, while Chad is a suburbanite who spends his days seducing beautiful women. Van Damme’s portrayal of both characters is so different from each other that it deserves an award.
10 Reasons Why "Double Impact" Is The Perfect Action Movie

The Hong Kong Setting

Hong Kong martial arts films influenced a generation of action filmmakers and remain one of the best backdrops for kung fu films. Director Sheldon Lettich masterfully used the gritty slums and streets of Hong Kong to create an overall believable narrative. The town has its own charm, which helps sell the idea of two brothers teaming up to defeat their parents’ killers. The fact that it plays on Hong Kong’s previous history with the British government and the latter’s subsequent handover to China was a clever play by the writers.


12 interesting facts about the movie “Double Impact”

10 Reasons Why "Double Impact" Is The Perfect Action Movie

Lots of Comedy

Yes, Double Impact is a hot, hyper-masculine action extravaganza, but it never misses an opportunity to laugh. Much of the comedy comes from Chad and Alex and how they get along with each other. nerves. If it’s not Alex making fun of Chad’s black silk underwear, then it’s Chad making a joke that Alex’s friend Danielle likes and no one else. This is the funniest of sibling rivalries, and the fact that both brothers are just starting to get to know each other while killing a lot of bad guys helps spice up the action movie formula even more.
10 Reasons Why "Double Impact" Is The Perfect Action Movie

The Mighty Bolo Yeung

Bolo Yung is a nice guy who you would probably cross the street to avoid. He looks tough, mean and deadly, and he plays that to great effect in Double Impact as Moon, a Triad fighter with serious fighting skills. With his deep scar on his face and milky eye, Jung looks even more intimidating than before, and backs it up with his cruelty. His decisive battle with Chad in the final act of the film scares even the audience!
10 Reasons Why "Double Impact" Is The Perfect Action Movie

One Snake Two Heads

Typically, martial arts action films focus on one bad guy that the hero must destroy. Double Impact includes two. Firstly, the aristocrat Griffith, who framed his brother’s parents many years ago, and Zhang, the boss of the Triad. It’s nice to have two villains propel the story forward, giving Chad and Alex more than one target to deal with. Not only does this spice up the formula, but it also makes things harder for the brothers.
10 Reasons Why "Double Impact" Is The Perfect Action Movie


You will surely enjoy high frame rate recording! Double Impact spares no expense when it comes to ultra-stylistic slow motion scenes! Whether it’s skirmishing, dodging and flipping, or Van Damme’s signature reverse jump kick, the slow motion really brings out the subtlety of each move. It’s not bullet time either. It’s just good old fashioned slow motion with superb fight choreography to capture moments in all their crushing glory!


Jean-Claude Van Damme Wanted To Do A ‘Triple Impact’ Sequel To ‘Double Impact’

Mucho Bravado

Action movies have changed over the years and they are no longer like Double Tap. This was the height of the popularity of action films in the early 1990s, when Hollywood was still straddling the line between American and Asian martial arts films. Double Impact is filled with tough guy motifs from start to finish. That’s part of the fun. It looks like a classic without the fancy CGI and fake sets. There’s a level of authenticity here that pays homage to action greats like Rambo 2 and Bloodsport, and it’s a joy to watch!

Imaginatie Action Scene

Double Strike has more options for its action sequences than one might think. These are some of the most unique and varied scenes ever put to film, which is great for those who have never seen the film before. A battle aboard a cargo ship with stolen cars soon escalates into a shootout in a restaurant, a foot chase through a Hong Kong vegetable market, and a vertical battle in a factory. What’s great about each episode is the level of authenticity, thanks to the location shooting and excellent stage direction.

Specialty Henchmen

Moon Bolo Young is a great henchman on his own, but there are a few other notable moments that cap off the action scenes. Kara is a muscular female assassin in leather pants with more than enough strength to give the guys a run for their money, while Peter Malota plays the assassin with boots with spurs on the ends that give his punches an extra layer of danger! Double Impact couldn’t possibly have anything more than standard gun-meat minion meat, but it went the extra mile.

Unapologetic Low-Brow Action

Double Impact’s script, while unique, won’t win any awards or have anything important to say. It’s one part revenge story and the other part is about the bond between two brothers. Everything in between is just sandwich filler to get ready for the next cool action sequence, and that’s okay. Double Impact makes no political or social statements. It’s all about powerful punches, powerful explosions and incredible characters.


Double Impact (1991) Biography, Filming, Plot, Fight.