15 Things Dwayne The Rock Johnson Does To Stay In Shape

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From consuming over 400 grams of protein, to traveling with an actual gym. Once he left WWE, DJ took his look to the next level. It seems like he added over 100 pounds of muscle since then. Quite simply, the Hollywood star won’t be outworked when he’s in the weight room and he uses that same philosophy in life. There’s a reason the dude is as successful as he is. Putting all the fame and fortune aside, we’ll specifically look at the things he does to stay in shape both in and out of the gym. Some of these things are downright next level, from consuming over 400 grams of protein to traveling with an actual gym that he uses near the sets of his films! The man’s commitment is truly next level. Here are 15 things Dwayne Johnson does to stay in shape. Enjoy the article, folks.

Carbs Aren’t The Enemy
The Rock isn’t on some 1,000 calorie diet, instead, it is very much the opposite and usually upwards of 4,000 cals. The man eats a lot and he doesn’t neglect foods like carbohydrates, instead, he uses them as a fuel source when it is workout time.

Among his top go-to carb sources include white rice, cream of wheat and his favorite, sweet potato. For those looking to grow muscle, it doesn’t get much better than those three.

Brings His Gym On Film Sets
Nope, you did not misread that. The legend actually brings his entire gym to the location of the film he is shooting at.

He does so for two reasons: one, is the convenience to train whenever he wants to and two, it is a lot easier to train privately than in a public setting, especially given that he’s one of the most recognizable faces in the world.

The rock diet

Workouts In The Early AM
For some of us, working out at 8 AM is a daunting task. At that point, The Rock is already done with the workout and post-workout consumption.

He starts his day early; he trains at his gym, usually around 4 AM. It isn’t a lazy workout either, not in the slightest. It starts with a pre-workout drink and then the music starts to hit – oh, to be a fly on the wall!

Closes The Week Off With Leg Day
That’s right, he saves the best for last during his weekly routine. Rock loves to hit legs on Saturday, really ensuring that he earned that cheat meal the following day. 

Solo Workouts
He doesn’t have a workout buddy and in fact, when he’s on set shooting a film, staff and crew are not allowed to enter his gym.

Dwayne did make one exception in the past, giving John Krasinski access to his gym – it must’ve felt like such a life accomplishment for the actor getting to train with Jhonson

Insane Amount Of Protein When Prepping For A Role
When he’s prepping for a role, The Rock’s diet takes a drastic turn. His prep for Hercules was at another level; Dwayne was ponding over 400 grams of protein a day, which is absolutely absurd.

He gave fans a sneak peek at some of his meals, eating the meals alone looks like it takes an entire day in itself. 

Has His Own Chef
Prepping meals is a lot easier when someone’s making them for you. Johnson discussed that at times, he does make his own food, like his signature sweet potato chips.

However, for the most part, it is his private chef at home that is in charge of most of the meals.

Keeps Meals Simple, Even When On The Road
Despite his fame and fortune, The Rock joked around via IG that he’s still eating the same thing as he was during his days as a teen. Here’s what he had to say; 

Peanut Butter Is His Guilty Pleasure
Dwayne loves his cheat meals and he also loves his peanut butter. He uses cheat meals to give himself a bit of a break, especially mentally. He discussed using peanut butter in a couple of delicious cookies via IG;

“And the insane cheat meal cookie train rolls on. Start with 15 ginormous “DJ Heavens” of milk chocolate and salted caramel chips with peanut butter in the middle.”

Several Meals A Day
Johnson doesn’t believe in a fasted diet or having a couple of big meals throughout the day. The Rock has several portions, he usually spaces out his proteins throughout the day. 

Bodybuilding Style Of Training
Cross Fit and functional training are also a trend with a lot of fitness enthusiasts. However, when it comes to The Rock and maintaining his shape, he’s all about bodybuilding style of workouts.

His goal is pure aesthetics, which entails keeping the muscle nice and full through bodybuilding movements, reps and tempos.

Lots Of Cardio On The Stair Mill
The Rock doesn’t shy away from cardio in order to stay in shape. His go-to cardio machine is the stair mill. 

Focuses On Individual Muscle Per Training Session
Similar to his bodybuilding style, Rock will also spend each session working on a specific body part, so for example, Monday is likely chest day while Saturday is a strict focus on legs.

He isn’t doing full-body workouts like some of the other A-list celebs. Neither does he have a trainer, he’s always anchoring his workouts to his liking.

Uses Workouts To Anchor His Day
For Dwayne Johnson, it is more than just a workout in the morning. He uses it to anchor his day moving forward – the workout is primarily used to keep DJ grounded and maintain a proper structure after the session throughout the day. 

Goes Hard With Cheat Meals
He diets like a mad man, however, Dwayne will fully indulge per usual, at the end of the week with some intense cheat meals. He has a couple of favorites, among the top has to be sushi, which is one of his preferred go-to meals.