5 Interesting Facts About Steven Seagal

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5 Interesting Facts About Steven Seagal

The Origin Of The Actor Is Vague:

According to one version, his father was Jewish and his mother was Irish. As Stephen said, his grandfather (on his father’s side) was “Mongol”. He used to live in the region of Russia, at the beginning of the 20th century he moved with his family to America, where he was still a child. According to Seagal, in childhood he was told about his grandfather, but it is impossible to determine exactly who he was – a Mongol, a Buryat or a Kalmyk. Those people who possessed such information have already died. The actor claims that his grandmother is from Vladivostok, he also has roots in St. Petersburg and Ukraine. And the fact that the mother is Irish, again, is just an assumption. As Steven Seagal says, his mother was a foundling, she was found in a shoe box planted on the porch of someone else’s house, so “it remains a big question who she was.” Who her parents are is a mystery.
5 Interesting Facts About Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal Speak Japanese Fluently:

Which, in general, is not surprising, because he lived in Japan for ten years, received the 7th dan aikido and became the first foreigner in the history of Japan to open a dojo (martial arts school) in this country. He named it “Tenshin”, which means “Heavenly Soul” in Japanese. In addition, the actor was married to Japanese Miyako Fujitani. The couple had two children – son Kentaro Segal and daughter Aako Fujitani. In total, Steven Seagal was married four times, he has seven children. He is currently married to Batsuhiin Erdenetuya, a professional dancer, a native of Mongolia. In 2009, the couple had a son, Kunzan.


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Steven Seagal Once Broke Sean Connery’s Wrist

While filming Never Say Never, James Bond actor Sean Connery decided to take aikido lessons. Steven Seagal was the instructor. At some point, he miscalculated the blow and broke his student’s wrist. Connery, thinking it was just a sprain and with a broken arm, went through several days until finally the director forcefully took him to the doctor.

Steven Seagal Loved Weapons And Collects Them

At the moment, his collection includes more than 1000 weapons. There is also a semi-automatic Colt M1911A1 – a pistol that sooner or later appears in the hand of every Seagal hero. Rumor has it that the actor has a custom-made tuxedo in which you can hide two pistols at once.

In His Spare Time, Steven Seagal Grows Silkworms And Sells Them On eBay

Seagal also has its own company that produces energy drinks.