20 Kung Fu Stars Then and Now

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There are many forms of kung Fu, such as Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tai chi, etc., and they are practiced all over the world. Each form of kung Fu has its own principles and techniques, but is best known for its trickery and quickness, which is where the word kung Fu is derived. It is only in the late twentieth century that this term was used in relation to Chinese martial arts by the Chinese community. In modern times, Chinese martial arts have spawned the genre of cinema known as the Kung Fu film. The films of Bruce Lee were instrumental in the initial burst of Chinese martial arts’ popularity in the West in the 1970s. Bruce Lee was the iconic international superstar that popularized Chinese martial arts in the West.
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Martial artists and actors such as Jet Li and Jackie Chan have continued the appeal of movies of this genre. Jackie Chan successfully brought in a sense of humor in his fighting style into his movies. Martial arts films from China are often referred to as “kung Fu movies” (功夫片), or “wire-fu” if extensive wire work is performed for special effects, and are still best known as part of the tradition of kung Fu theater. You can see top 20 best kung Fu stars in this video.
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