10 Interesting Facts About “Gladiator”

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10 Interesting Facts About "Gladiator"
Gladiator is a 2000 epic historical drama film directed by Ridley Scott and written by David Franzoni, John Logan, and William Nicholson. The film was co-produced and released by DreamWorks Pictures and Universal Pictures.
Gladiator (2000)


The film is based on the fate of the Roman senator Marcus Nonius Macrinus. It is he who is the prototype of the hero Maximus. In reality, he was a general, the emperor’s best friend and consul.
Gladiator (2000)


The lead role was written specifically for Mel Gibson, but he turned it down. We urgently had to look for a replacement and first turned to Antonio Banderas. Russell Crowe was confirmed at the last minute.


The music for the film was composed by Hans Zimmer. The man was busy working on the film The Last Samurai when he was asked to write the soundtrack for Pirates of the Caribbean, so he took the melody of Gladiator as the basis. And it was processed by her colleague Klaus Badelt, who collaborated with the composer.


Initially, the script of the film was based on another historical event. Namely, a conspiracy against the ruler of Commodus himself. However, this story was in danger of becoming completely non-epic and was abandoned.


Filming with real tigers is out of control. As a result, the planned five days of filming stretched into three weeks. Separately, it is worth noting that in the current cinema, the use of animals in such scenes would not be allowed.


30 Facts You Didn’t Know About Gladiator


On the set of the film, Russell Crowe did not use the services of understudies and stuntmen in the vast majority of episodes. Work on the fight scenes did not allow the actor to do without injuries on the set. Already in the first scene, there are wounds on Crowe’s face. The fact is that the horse on which he was filming suddenly got scared and ran away through densely growing trees, the branches scratched the actor’s face. In addition, Russell Crowe broke the bones of the foot and hip, tore several tendons of the biceps, aggravated damage to the Achilles tendon and lost sensation in the index finger on his right hand for two years.


Ridley Scott claimed to be proud of such a historically accurate film. However, it can be called reliable with a stretch. Even the conflict of the main characters is not reliable, since in reality the hero of Russell Crowe does not oppose Commodus.
Gladiator (2000)


During filming, Russell Crowe was banned from playing football to avoid injury. However, the actor did not agree, citing the fact that he was acting in a traumatic film and without this he would not be able to become alive: After that, injuries really fell on him one after another.


The role of Commodus was supposed to be played by Jude Law, but he refused. Then she was offered to Hugh Jackman, earlier they also wanted to use him in the role of Maximus and were refused again. Joaquin Phoenix, who received the role, considered himself insufficiently professional, the actor had to regularly drink beer so that his excitement would not be conveyed on the screen.


Gladiator (2000) Biography, Plot, Filming, Fight.


In the episodes of gladiatorial combat extras were present only in the two lower rows. The rest of the rows were filled with special effects. In addition, cardboard images were used.