What Rambo’s Grenade Arrow Actually Was Revealed By Giggling Archery Expert:

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What Rambo’s Grenade Arrow Actually Was Revealed By Giggling Archery Expert: “They Do Exist”
Archery expert Grizzly Jim reveals what Rambo’s arrow grenade really was. The film series, which began in 1982 with the adaptation of David Morrell’s First Blood, follows Sylvester Stallone’s John J. Rambo, a Vietnam War veteran who uses his unique set of skills to fight dangerous enemies. Although the franchise has been controversial over the years, its action has been a source of constant praise, and exploding arrows have been featured in several installments. In a video for Insider, Jim watched a scene from Rambo III where Stallone’s
What Rambo’s Grenade Arrow Actually Was Revealed By Giggling Archery Expert: “They Do Exist”
character blew up a helicopter with one of the grenade arrows. He jokingly revealed that the piece could have been part of Brodhead, before explaining: “Grenade tipped arrow, yes they exist. I don’t know if they are on sale or not.” Read Jim’s comments regarding Rambo’s arrow below:
“There was a type of Broadhead you could buy, and it came in a case like that. I think that’s just the case of a Broadhead, sprayed bronze.”
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How Rambo’s Grenade Arrows  Were Used Explained

Exploding arrows were part of Rambo’s compound bow, a flexible-limbed weapon he used frequently throughout the film series. While similar arrowheads may indeed exist, it is worth asking how their impact compares. However, regarding this Rambo III scene and the character’s ability to shoot one, Jim revealed that it did look realistic. At that moment, Rambo, noticing the Soviet helicopters, shot down one of the planes and watched over its immediate destruction.
There are many deaths in the Rambo franchise, and some of the most memorable ones involve grenades. Following the aforementioned scene from Rambo III, Stallone’s character disappeared into a cave, where he caused another explosion right in front of two Soviet soldiers. There are also moments in Rambo: First Blood Part II where he uses arrows, and during one particular scene he shoots a Vietnamese soldier who is instantly blown to pieces.
There are many other weapons in Rambo, including the M72 LAW and various big guns. However, the exploding arrows and the way they are used make them and some of the kills they do make them stand out even more. It’s interesting to hear an expert’s thoughts on how the arrowheads were actually made, and also to think about what a real grenade arrow could potentially look like.


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