Sylvester Stallone Would Love For 1 Actor To Be The Next John Rambo:

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Sylvester Stallone Would Love For 1 Actor To Be The Next John Rambo:
“If I ever pass the baton, I’ll pass it on to him because he likes this character,” Stallone told Jimmy Fallon in “The Evening Show”. Sylvester Stallone explained why Ryan Gosling will be his choice for the role of John Rambo in the future. The actor, who appeared on the “Evening Show” on Friday, told the host Jimmy Fallon that he met Gosling at dinner, where the “Barbie” actor spoke about his attachment to the action figure.
Sylvester Stallone Would Love For 1 Actor To Be The Next John Rambo:
“He speaks. “I was fascinated by Rambo, and I went to school dressed as Rambo, and people chased me away, and I still haven’t stopped,” Stallone said, adding that Gosling “just kept saying that he has a lot to do with Rambo.” . “And I thought, you know, it’s interesting. If I ever pass the baton, I’ll pass it on to him, because he likes this character,” Stallone continued.
Sylvester Stallone Would Love For 1 Actor To Be The Next John Rambo:
Fallon asked if Gosling could become the next Rambo.
“I would have said yes, but I don’t know if anyone will.” “Hey, he’s too handsome to be Rambo,” Stallone said.
The actor’s comments came years after he chose Gosling for the character during an interview with Yahoo! Films in circulation “Krida”. Gosling previously talked about watching “First Blood”, the film in which Stallone debuted as Rambo, even as a child, he told Jay Leno back in 2011 that the film “bewitched” him, and he thought that he was Rambo.


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Sylvester Stallone Would Love For 1 Actor To Be The Next John Rambo:
“It even seemed to me that my face looked like Sylvester Stallone’s, and I put some steak knives in my Fisher-Price Houdini set. The next day, I brought him to school and threw him at all the children at recess,”
Gosling said, adding that he didn’t know anyone, but he was suspended from classes because of this.