Here’s Why Steven Seagal Once Knocked Sean Connery Out

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It has been reported that Seagal grew angry with Connery while working with him, which caused Seagal to lash out in anger. Sean Connery is a legend of film that has appeared in some of the biggest movies of all time. Connery’s time as James Bond was sublime, and he managed to get the most beautiful Bond Girls and drive the coolest cars that the franchise has offered over the years. Naturally, any actor that takes on the character will immediately be compared to Connery. While making a film together back when Steven Seagal was just a fight choreographer, an incident took place between the two men. This strange tale of Seagal breaking Sean Connery’s wrist is one that has lived on for some time, and it’s time to get to the bottom of what actually happened.
Let’s look back and see what happened between Sean Connery and Steven Seagal! Connery Was Preparing For A Film To get a better understanding of this bizarre story, we need to take things back to the 1980s when Sean Connery was preparing for his swan song. At the time, Connery was making one last push to play James Bond. As most films fans know, Sean Connery has been considered the definitive James Bond, and he was fortunate to portray the character for years. In the 80s, Connery wanted to get back on the horse again in the film Never Say Never Again, which was going to be the final time that he would play the character.
During this time, Steven Seagal was not an action star and was simply someone that was working on the film. Thanks to his martial arts background, Seagal was able to land the fight choreographer gig for the film, which must have felt like a huge win for the younger Seagal at the time. As the fight choreographer for the film, Seagal was going to be working with Connery and the film’s other stars to make sure that the action scenes went off without a hitch and looked as real as possible. This is not an easy job, but Seagal was more than ready to make some magic happen.
Turns out, things weren’t so smooth between Connery and Seagal, and what wound up happening was something that few could have predicted. Seagal Broke Connery’s Wrist During Training Working on a huge film comes with a lot of responsibilities, and any little injury has the potential to derail things. So, it is odd to learn that Steven Seagal getting angry with Sean Connery is what ultimately led to an injury. Despite being in an important position, Steven Seagal’s attitude would get the better of him when working with Sean Connery. It has been reported that Seagal grew angry with Connery while working with him, which caused Seagal to lash out in anger.
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Instead of letting cooler heads prevail, Seagal wound up breaking Connery’s wrist. That’s right, a choreographer had the audacity to injure the star of a film in a moment of anger. This story may seem unreal had it featured another person, but given that it’s Steven Seagal, people shouldn’t be too surprised. The man hasn’t done himself any favors in the public’s eye for years now. Despite the injury taking place, Connery would shoot the film and get the job done. Never Say Never Again would go on to make $55 million at the box office, according to Box Office Mojo, which must have felt like a win for Connery.
As time went on and Seagal’s fame would rise, this story would make its way around town, and people wanted to get some more details about what actually happened between the two men while making the movie. Connery Opens Up About The Experience Now that we know the details about what took place between Sean Connery and Steven Seagal, let’s hear from the former Bond actor and see how things played out during that fateful encounter. When speaking with Jay Leno, Connery elaborated on the bizarre story. He would say, “We were going to do a film called Never Say Never Again and there was a possibility I was going to Aikido and what have you. And I got ahold of Steven and we had this training in the
building where I had an apartment and he was really very very good and everything and I got a little cocky because I thought I knew what I was doing because the principle is it’s defense, so it’s a pyramid and I got a bit flash and I did that. And he broke my wrist.” It’s so strange to hear these words coming from Connery, as Seagal was simply working on the film at the time. Connery would even go on to say that he didn’t realize that his wrist was broken until a decade later. Things would eventually work out for both men, but this story still remains strange. Accidents happen, but actors being intentionally injured by someone else has no business on set.