Jarhead 3: The Siege (2016) Biography, Plot, Trailer.

Jarhead 3: The Siege (2016)

Jarhead 3: The Siege (2016)

Jarhead 3: The Siege is a 2016 war drama in which a group of Marines must prevent an American embassy from being taken over by terrorists. It’s a sequel in name only, with an appearance of only one character from the first movie (played by Dennis Haysbert). Unsurprisingly, there’s considerable war/action violence, including characters getting shot in the head and killed at point-blank range, fighting with artillery, guns, knives, punches, and kicks. Profanity is constant, including “f–k” and variations used on a regular basis, and one Marine using racial slurs toward Arabs. Some drinking in the embassy bar. The Jarhead series is quite interesting as the original film was based on a true story.
Jarhead 3: The Siege (2016)
Corporal Albright (Charlie Weber), is an ambitious Marine assigned to the United States Embassy located in the territory of the Middle East called “The Kingdom”. The area is known to be quite peaceful due to the United States Ambassador, Ambassador Cahill, known as the Peacekeeper. When Albright first arrives, he meets several other Marines, including Hansen, Ski, Lopez, Stamper, Sunshine and their superior, Gunner Sergeant Pete Raines (Scott Adkins). Albright is then directed to meet the ambassador and his staff, where he meets Kraus, chief of security, and Olivia Winston, director of digital security. One day, while on the roof of the embassy, ​​Albright sees a suspicious cameraman whom he remembers seeing him when he first arrived at the embassy. Albright searches for the individual and brings his findings to Cahill.
Both Kraus and Raines get mad at Albright when he broke the chain of command file. Later, Olivia identifies the man as Khaled al-Asiri, a militant with loose ISIS ties who was allegedly killed in a drone strike weeks earlier. While Albright is guarding the ambassador’s offices the following day, Kraus arrives with a local and refuses to let him in, claiming that he has an appointment with the ambassador. Albright suspects something is wrong and when he looks at the security cameras he notices a suspicious vehicle with Khaled nearby. The vehicle crashes into the embassy gate and explodes, destroying the gate and allowing a group of militants to enter the embassy grounds. During the assault, Albright is the sole survivor of the perimeter security team until he is rescued by Raines,
while Cahill and his staff destroy all of the embassy documents before consolidating in the safe room. Upon reaching the safe room, it is revealed that the venue Kraus brought is Jamal al-Asiri, Khaled’s brother. He reveals that the drone attack failed to kill his brother and his entire family are now in danger, as he provided the information for the failed attack. MARSOC Marines led by Major Lincoln (Dennis Haysbert) are about to provide backup, but will likely take an hour to arrive. The ambassador informs the Marines of a key intelligence element his team was unable to destroy, Khaled’s cell phone, which is in a safe at the ambassador’s residence. Hansen, Raines, Lopez, Albright and Olivia all go to retrieve their cell phones. Raines and Hansen go to the roof to provide covering fire as Lopez, Albright and Olivia run towards the residence.


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