John Connor’s Controversial Dark Fate Scene Bummed Out Edward Furlong

John Connor's Controversial Dark Fate Scene Bummed Out Edward Furlong
One of the most shocking scenes from Terminator: Dark Fate has brought about a variety of mixed opinions in response from fans, and now Edward Furlong himself is weighing in on the controversial scene. While the movie has been met with criticism for a variety of reasons, this scene in particular seems to be among the chief complaints from many of those who’ve seen the sequel. As we are discussing vital plot points, know that major SPOILER for Terminator: Dark Fate are below. With the spoiler warning out of the way, let’s address the scene in question from Terminator: Dark Fate. Prior to the movie’s release,
John Connor’s Controversial Dark Fate Scene Bummed Out Edward Furlong
it was announced Edward Furlong would be reprising the role of John Connor after it had been recast with a handful of other actors in the previous Terminator sequels. Details on the level of his involvement weren’t clear, but for longtime fans of the series, the prospect of seeing Furlong once again playing the iconic role was certainly exciting. As those who’ve seen the movie will know, that excitement quickly turned into dismay when the character was killed off right at the start, and many fans have been very vocal about their disappointment in the scene.


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John Connor’s Controversial Dark Fate Scene Bummed Out Edward Furlong
Naturally, the controversy has made its way to Furlong, who has offered his thoughts on the unsettling scene. For his part, he seems to take it in stride, and it’s clear he was happy just to be involved in the project in some fashion. Still, he expresses some disappointment that he wasn’t given the opportunity to play a much bigger part in the new Terminator movie, which would have also come with a much bigger paycheck to boot. Here’s what Furlong told YouTuber Alex Lebya about his brief but shocking role in Terminator: Dark Fate.

“They smoked my ass! That’s what they did, right? That was the role. I went in there – well I did it for a day, I shot for one day. And, yeah, we did some CGI. They paid me. So, I mean, you know, it kind of bums me out, because I’d love to do a whole one, and make a shit-ton of money. I would love to do more, but we’ll see what happens.” 

Directed by Tim Miller, Terminator: Dark Fate is the first movie in the series to bring back Edward Furlong as John Connor since he last played the role in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The movie also brought back Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, who also hasn’t been seen in the franchise since the 1991 sequel. Franchise creator James Cameron also returned to produce and creatively contribute to the story, and on paper, it seemed like all of the right ingredients were here to make the biggest sequel of the series since T2. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the movie flopped at the box office, all but putting an end to the Terminator movie series.
Because of the movie underperforming at the box office, chances are we won’t be seeing any more Terminator sequels anytime soon. As wonderful and beloved as the earlier movies in the series are considered to be by most everyone, perhaps they were a product of their time and it’s best to leave the series in the past. For what it’s worth, nothing can ever take away the magic of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, no matter what may have happened with John Connor in the follow-up movies. You can watch the full interview clip with Furlong addressing his character’s fate in Terminator: Dark Fate below, courtesy of Alex Lebya on YouTube.


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