Rambo: 10 Things Fans Never Knew About The Franchise

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Rambo: 10 Things Fans Never Knew About The Franchise
Rambo is one of the most famous TV shows of all time. Starring Sylvester Stallone as the titular Rambo, the series is a brutal and intense franchise that features some of the most insane and over the top murders in movie history. It is because of this intense violence and action that the series is one of the most beloved and popular action movie franchises of all time, with the franchise’s latest film being released in 2019. The film series has grossed $819 million in total, $300 million of which is from the most successful film, Rambo: First Blood Part II. Stallone co-wrote the screenplays of all five films, and directed Rambo. The franchise also spawned an animated television series, Rambo: The Force of Freedom, and comic books, novels, video games, and a Bollywood remake. This article will list the 10 most interesting films. scene facts in the Rambo franchise.

10. Rambo 4 Was Banned In Myanmar

2008’s Rambo was set in Burma, or Myanmar as the state is currently now known, and due to the film’s subject matter the Myanmar Government banned the film for its portrayal of the country. Despite the fact that the movie was banned both theatrically and on DVD, the film was popular in Myanmar as a boot-leg film.

9. The Only Rambo To Receive An Oscar Nomination

Despite the fact that the second film in the Rambo franchise is one of Stallone’s and the critic’s least favorite in the series, it was also the only Rambo movie to actually receive an Academy Award nomination. The 1985 film was nominated for best sound editing at the Academy Awards. While not one of the ‘sexiest’ nominations to receive, it still makes it an Oscar-nominated movie.

8. Rambo’s Horse

Sylvester Stallone is, as a surprise to some, a talented horse rider. The actor even competed in his first game of polo at age 11. Perhaps as a result of this, Rambo III features a scene in which Rambo rides a horse. However, this horse is kind of famous in its own way. The horse that Rambo rides in the movie also appeared in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, making the horse a big movie star!

7. Guinness World Record

The Rambo movies have a reputation for being laden with murder and violence, with the titular Rambo murdering countless people during the events of every movie. However, Rambo III was known for taking this violence to the extreme. In fact, the death in Rambo III was so over the top that the Guinness World Records recognized the film as being the most violent film (at the time) with over 108 deaths recorded.


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6. Helicopter Blade

Accidents happen on film sets all the time and the Rambo franchise was no exception. During the filming of Rambo III, Sylvester Stallone had a very close call with a spinning helicopter blade. If contact would have been made, the American actor would’ve been under big danger. Fortunately, Stallone managed to avoid and even joked about the event later, saying ‘at least I’d have saved a fortune on haircuts.’

5. David Morrell Hated Last Blood

Some may not be aware that Rambo is based on a series of novels by the author, David Morrell. While Morrell has expressed his enjoyment of some films in the franchise, in particular 2008’s Rambo, he has also been critical of the film adaptations. Most recently, David Morrell has said stated that he absolutely despised 2019’s Rambo: Last Blood, a sentiment that was shared by critics and fans alike.

4. Fake Fan

Sylvester Stallone is one of the biggest action stars of all time, so it would come as no surprise that he bumps into his fans every now and again. During the filming of the first Rambo movie, Stallone recounted that he met a girl in a bar who pretended to be a fan of his in order to get a free round of drinks. Stallone recounted this story in the DVD commentary of First Blood, highlighting how it inspired a similar scene in Rocky Balboa.


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3. Rambo II Struggled To Find Asian Extras

Rambo II saw the titular Rambo return to the Vietnamese jungles in order to rescue some American prisoners of war. However, despite being set in Vietnam, most of the filming took place in Mexico. As a result, the crew struggled to find the Asian extras necessary to make the setting feel believable. As a result, the crew had to visit local Asian restaurants in order to find extras for the movie.

2. Broken Nose

Due to the fact that Rambo is an action movie franchise, there are bound to be several injuries that occurred during filming, largely due to the number of dangerous and intense stunts that actors and stuntmen are required to do. One of the more notable injuries during the first film occurred when Sylvester Stallone accidentally broke Alf Humphrey’s nose during filming, which is why his character is seen wearing a bandaid during the film.

1. Stallone Hated The Original Cut

Stallone has consistently echoed the fan and critics’ belief that the first Rambo movie is the best in the franchise. What is interesting to learn, then, is that Stallone and his agent absolutely despised the first cut of the film, with Stallone wanting to buy the rights to the film so he could destroy the cut. Fortunately, however, the film was heavily edited and cut down to a 90-minute runtime, which made the film far better in the process.


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