RoboCop’s Ultimate Form Was Built Using Skynet’s Terminator Technology

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RoboCop's Ultimate Form Was Built Using Skynet's Terminator Technology
In his base form, RoboCop is one of the strongest cyborgs in science fiction, as he is immune to almost every weapon known to mankind, and is even immune to fire and massive blunt force trauma, but even so, RoboCop has never been stronger than he once was. or. he used Skynet’s Terminator technology to create his final form. Alex Murphy became RoboCop after he was brutally murdered by a gang of criminals in his home city of Detroit. Since the original film took place in the not-too-distant future, technology existed that could restore Murphy, and even make him more advanced than any other human alive. With cybernetic enhancements and robotic limb replacements, Murphy became RoboCop.
RoboCop's Ultimate Form Was Built Using Skynet's Terminator Technology
While a hero to the people of his city, one crossover storyline would reveal that the existence of RoboCop actually gave way for the creation of Terminator’s Skynet. The merging of a human mind with machine made artificial intelligence possible, and when RoboCop’s brain was integrated into what would become Skynet, he unwittingly taught the defense system how to become self aware, leading to the destruction of humanity. However, after RoboCop learns of how he will essentially cause armageddon, he decides to turn the tables on Skynet, and use its own technology against it (which is fitting, since Skynet’s technically originated with him to begin with).

RoboCop Turned Himself Into An Entire Army Of Terminators

In the four-part miniseries RoboCop versus The Terminator by Frank Miller and Walter Simonson, RoboCop is shown being integrated into Skynet after a number of time-traveling efforts from both the human resistance and the Terminators to either prevent or ensure this moment in history. In the end, the machines won, but not completely. When RoboCop was assimilated, he copied a piece of his original human consciousness, which lingered within Skynet’s systems for decades before it finally physically manifested as an entire Terminator manufacturing factory. As a sentient factory, RoboCop used the robotic and synthetic skin technology to craft himself a new body that looked exactly like his original RoboCop form,
with a few notable upgrades that made him powerful enough to kill entire armies of T-800s like it was nothing – and he didn’t stop there. Not only did RoboCop give himself the ultimate body with Terminator tech, but he also did so to an entire army of RoboCops. Each soldier contained fractions of his consciousness/programming, and were strong enough to beat Skynet in the future timeline and win the world back for humanity. While these were separate physical forms, RoboCop’s Terminator legion was just an extension of himself, making this ‘army of RoboCops’ basically just one giant RoboCop, not dissimilar to Star Trek’s Borg, Star


Terminator vs. RoboCop and 3 More Epic “Vs.”

RoboCop's Ultimate Form Was Built Using Skynet's Terminator Technology
Wars Scourge and even Terminator’s Skynet. This miniseries shows RoboCop being added to the ever-growing list of technological hiveminds, as one living being trapped in the robotic bodies of countless drones, each an extension of one. Although this final form (both the single original body capable of destroying armies of Terminators and his own RoboCop/Terminator army itself) would be removed from continuity with the final change to the series’ timeline, it more than proved to be the most powerful version. RoboCop in any timeline, all thanks to Skynet’s Terminator technology.