Steven Seagal turns down $20 million fight offer against Jean-Claude Van Damme

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Steven Seagal turns down $20 million fight offer against Jean-Claude Van Damme
The rivalry between the two icons has also become a part of their storied history. Van Damme, aged 63, shared the intriguing details with the U.K.’s The Telegraph during a recent interview. He recalled how film producer and executive Peter Guber had proposed a fight between the two action stars, a bout that would have taken place at The Mirage in Las Vegas. The prize on the line? A staggering $20 million for each of them. However, Seagal opted not to accept the challenge. This revelation highlights the ongoing feud between Van Damme and Seagal, which has spanned several decades.
Steven Seagal turns down $20 million fight offer against Jean-Claude Van Damme
The roots of this feud date back to the 1990s when Seagal questioned Van Damme’s fighting credentials, casting doubt on his legitimate martial arts skills. In the interview, Van Damme also brushed off claims made by Sylvester Stallone regarding Seagal turning down an opportunity to fight at a party Stallone hosted in 1997, labeling it as “kids’ stuff.” Responding to rumors that Seagal hasn’t spoken kindly of him, Van Damme stated, “I don’t know why.” While the Brussels-native expressed respect for Seagal’s charisma and presence, he couldn’t


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resist a lighthearted comment about their potential bout. When asked about how he would approach a fight against Seagal, he humorously noted that he’d employ a “hit-and-run” strategy due to his superior speed. “I run faster than him – much faster,”Van Damme said with a chuckle. He suggested he would “run away,” causing Seagal to tire, and then return to fight. He ended the playful comment with a question to the interviewer, “Do you like the technique?”
Van Damme emphasized that any animosity between him and Seagal is in the past, stating, “I have no problem with Steven. When you’re young, you want to be the macho man. If I saw him today, I’d have no problem.” The two stars’ decades-old feud continues to be a subject of fascination for fans of martial arts and action cinema, and the $20 million fight offer adds another layer to their story.


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