Sylvester Stallone: 10 Hilariously Coolest Things That Can Only Happen In His Movies

Sylvester Stallone: 10 Hilariously Coolest Things That Can Only Happen In His Movies
One name that has probably been around the longest is Sylvester Stallone. Big action stars mean big action moments, and Stallone has definitely had enough cool scenes over the years – so let’s take a look at 10 Stallone action moments that could only happen in movies.
Sylvester Stallone: 10 Hilariously Coolest Things That Can Only Happen In His Movies

Stand Against Bullets With An Explosive Arrow

It’s bullets versus bow’s in this scene from Rambo: First Blood Part 2 where Rambo refuses to cower away to get his shot. Once Rambo loses most of his equipment including most of his guns, his bow and arrow are all he is left with. One soldier begins firing at him with a machine gun before running out and using a pistol. Rambo stands his ground as bullets fly towards him, the soldier realizing his last option is to run or die, he chooses to run but this gives Rambo the time he needs to aim his explosive arrow and shoot it at the soldier leaving him in shreds.
Sylvester Stallone: 10 Hilariously Coolest Things That Can Only Happen In His Movies

Survive A Cliff Jump Into A Forrest

One of the iconic scenes from First Blood in which Rambo, while trying to evade a search party, ends up on the side of a cliff with Deputy Galt pointing a gun at him. Rambo knows if he stays where he is he will get shot, so he takes option B which is to jump down to the forest below, using numerous trees to break his fall. This scene was filmed numerous times and Stallone managed to break several ribs over the course of filming this scene. This is not the only time Stallone has carried on filming with injuries, during the filming of The Expendables, Stallone performed stunts which actually left him with a partially broken neck. He even insisted on continuing to do his own stunts afterward.


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Sylvester Stallone: 10 Hilariously Coolest Things That Can Only Happen In His Movies

Killing Jean Claud Van Dam With A Chain

Desperate to avenge the death of Billy (Liam Hemsworth) in The Expendables 2, Stallone comes face to face with his killer Vilain (Jean-Claude Van Damme), who has forgotten Billy’s name, in the final act in an all-out brutal fistfight. Vilain challenges Stallone’s character, Barney Ross, to kill him like a man or like a sheep. Although Vilain gets the upper-hand momentarily, the fight ends with Barney Ross regaining his knife, which Vilain stole earlier in the movie, and brandishing a long chain. Barney gives the fight a quick end by slashing Vilain with the chain, tossing it around his neck and slinging him in close enough to stab him before reminding him that “his name was Billy.”
Sylvester Stallone: 10 Hilariously Coolest Things That Can Only Happen In His Movies

“You’re A Disease…And I’m The Cure”

One of Stallone’s earlier projects Cobra which hit theatres in 1986 with Stallone playing the lead role of Marion ‘Cobra’ Cobretti, an LA cop who takes it upon himself to stop a string of murders carried out by a secret society. While dealing with a hostage situation at a supermarket, Cobra infiltrates the building, has a sip of warm beer and comically tells the bomber to blow the place up because he doesn’t shop there anyway. The bomber tells Cobra that he is a hero before Stallone replies with “You’re a disease…and I’m the cure” before throwing a knife into his stomach and shooting him down.

Shoot Multiple Men To Shreds In Rambo

Rambo obliterates a huge number of Burmese soldiers in this scene from 2008’s Rambo using an M2 .50 Cal machine gun. Originally, Stallone was supposed to carry the gun and fire it himself, but as the fully assembled gun weighed just over 50kg, even though Stallone could carry it, it was too heavy to be maneuvered quickly enough so it was mounted on the back of a jeep instead.

“Rest In Pieces”

A Stallone-spin on the classic line in The Expendables 2. The team learns of a nearby village of people who oppose Vilain and who’s inhabitants are being taken by Vilain’s gang, The Sang’s, to go and work in the mines to search for plutonium. Once the Sang’s arrive in the village they are ambushed by Ross’s team who literally leave the last Sang standing in pieces as four of them open fire. Ross then ends the scene with “rest in pieces.”


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Rip Out A Bad Guy’s Throat Using His Hands

Rambo is the second last in the franchise hit theatres in 2008 and has some of the most gruesome moments in the franchise and this kill is certainly no exception. Rambo is rescuing some missionaries who were taken from their homes. The boys are taken to be inducted into the army and the girls are taken to be used as slaves. Rambo comes across one antagonist who is about to violate one of the women, but sneaks up behind him grabs his throat and rips it out with his bare hands.

Entering A Plane As It Takes Off

In The Expendables, with Jason Statham’s character Lee Christmas as the pilot, Barney Ross has to escape the docks while being shot at by a lot of bad guys. Trying to make a quick exit, Christmas starts the ignition of the plane, driving it forward while Stallone runs along the pier and jumps to grab the door just in time. Ross is left hanging onto the side of the plane as it takes off before Barney is able to get himself inside.

The Hammer Method

The Expendables features a lot of hand-to-hand combat with the likes of Jet Li as well as the rest of the cast, but sometimes the team has to rely on their most prominent member, a trigger. Not every gun in the movie is the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself but they can be just as deadly in the right hands. When you see Barney Ross using his revolver throughout the franchise you can see his hand placed on the hammer of the gun, fanning it in order to fire bullets out more quickly, thus killing more bad guys.

Kill A Man In A Dress

Maybe Stallone in a dress doesn’t scream “badass” on its own, but “hilariously badass is appropriate for this scene from Nighthawks (1981). Three muggers attack a woman who turns out to be Stallone’s character Deke DaSilva in disguise. Stallone wearing a dress chases the mugger to a train station platform where he taunts him and manages to overpower him. It’s worth noting that the mugger had a knife and Stallone managed to win but nothing with a scarf.


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