Replicant (2001)

Every Jean-Claude Van Damme Movie Where His Character Dies

Jean-Claude Van Damme has starred in more than 50 movies. While an action movie legend, Van Damme dies in more…

1 year ago

Every Movie Where Jean-Claude Van Damme Has Played A Twin

Acclaimed action performer Jean-Claude Van Damme has played a twin or dual roles in movies like Double Impact, Maximum Risk,…

2 years ago

The 10 Best Jean Claude Van Damme Fight Scenes.

Van Damme’s enemies include the likes of Dolph Lundgren, hockey mascots, and even himself – “Dos Van Damme!” was a…

2 years ago

Replicant (2001) Biography, Plot, Production, Reception, Scene.

Replicant (2001) Replicant is a 2001 American science fiction action film directed by Ringo Lam, and starring Jean-Claude Van Damme…

2 years ago