The Beekeeper is a 2024 American action thriller film directed by David Ayer and written by Kurt Wimmer. The film stars Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Josh Hutcherson, Bobby Naderi, Phylicia Rashad, Jemma Redgrave and Jeremy Irons. When his good-hearted landlady commits suicide after losing her charity’s funds to a phishing scam, former “Beekeeper” operative Adam Clay sets out on a brutal campaign for revenge upon those responsible.The Beekeeper was released in the United States by Amazon MGM Studios under the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures label on January 12, 2024. The film received mixed reviews and has grossed $143.8 million worldwide.
Retired schoolteacher Eloise Parker lives by herself in Massachusetts, but she has a tenant in her barn, Adam Clay, living a quiet life as a beekeeper. One day, Eloise falls for a phishing scam and is robbed of over $2 million, the majority of which belongs to a charity organization she manages. Devastated, she shoots herself dead. Clay finds her body and is immediately arrested by FBI agent Verona Parker, Eloise’s daughter. After Eloise’s death is ruled a suicide, Clay is released. Verona tells him the group that robbed Eloise has been on the FBI’s radar for a while but is difficult to track. Wanting justice for Eloise, Clay contacts the Beekeepers, a mysterious group, to find the scammers responsible.Clay receives an address for the scammers: a call center run by Mickey Garnett. Clay scares off the employees and destroys the building. Garnett informs his boss, technology executive Derek Danforth, who sends Garnett to kill Clay. A violent confrontation ensues where Clay kills Garnett’s men and severs Garnett’s fingers. Garnett calls Danforth while stopped at a bridge, informing him that Clay is a Beekeeper. Having followed Garnett, Clay drags him off the bridge with a truck to his death and warns Danforth that he is coming after him.