The Eagle Path (2010) Biography, Plot, Filming, Trailer.

The Eagle Path (2010)

The Eagle Path (2010)

Frenchy (formerly known as Full Love, Soldiers and The Eagle Path) is an upcoming action drama written, produced, edited, and directed by Jean-Claude Van Damme, who also stars in the film as the main character Frenchy. The film also features two of his children, Kristopher Van Varenberg and Bianca Bree. The first edit of the film was screened under the former title The Eagle Path during a special distributor screening at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival to find a distribution company for a potential theatrical release, but with no success. For that reason, in 2012, parts of the film were reshot and scenes added, the film was renamed Soldiers. Two years after, a new cut of the film with a title change to Full Love, was shown during a special distributor screening at the 2014 Shanghai International Film Festival. In 2018, Van Damme attended the Cannes Film Festival again and unsuccessfully tried to find a theatrical distributor for the third time. In 2020, the film was re-edited and renamed again to Frenchy and is still in search of a distributor.
The Eagle Path (2010)
A military veteran and former mercenary, Frenchy (Van Damme) works as a taxi driver, hiding somewhere in East Asia, haunted by his past. After his driving shifts he often frequents the Eagle’s Nest, a seedy bar that houses a caged eagle. In the midst of the chaotic Asian traffic Frenchy picks up a beautiful female passenger who will change him forever. Driven by dark memories of his childhood, he becomes determined to improve her life and, without her approval, he embarks on a journey which proves to be more dangerous and complicated then he expected. After encountering a series of harrowing obstacles he calls in favors from his special ops friends who immediately join him. His military team engages in the biggest fight of their lives. War is hell, but nothing they’ve done could have prepared them for this.


The first cut of Frenchy was filmed in Thailand in the summer of 2008 on a budget of $5 million. After unsuccessful special screening in Cannes, organized in 2010 in order to find a distributor for a potential theatrical release, additional footage was shot in 2012 in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Green Zone (2010) Biography, Plot, Development, Filming, Box office, Trailer