The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances In The Action Franchise, Ranked

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The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances in the Action Franchise, Ranked
Like other action films, such as “Fast and Furious”, the films “The Expendables” are not particularly famous for their acting. The cast of the “Unstoppable” franchise, which includes some of the best action stars of the 80s and beyond, is simply impeccable. Although the acting lacks nuances and depth, the game is still fantastic and brilliantly interesting. Here are the best performances in the “Unstoppable” franchise.
The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances in the Action Franchise, Ranked

10. Chuck  Norris – Booker

Chuck Norris – in The Expendables 2, fights an entire army and destroys a tank in a few seconds. His character of Booker easily ranks among the best characters in the franchise, but that’s only because Booker is an extension of Norris himself. His line delivery is spot on and of course his action hero skills are unmatched. Chuck Norris simply takes every hilarious meme ever made about the action star to great effect.
The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances in the Action Franchise, Ranked

9. Harrison Ford – Drummer

Despite his influence on the action movie, legendary actor Harrison Ford is probably the last person we would ever expect to see in The Expendables 3. Harrison Ford, as always, never disappointed, and although his appearance was short-lived, it still made an impression. The role of Drummer Ford was incredibly intimidating, and Harrison Ford clearly had a lot of fun delivering his lines. He immediately returned to the role of Han Solo and piloted a helicopter to save the Expendables.


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The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances in the Action Franchise, Ranked

8. Mel Gibson – Conrad Stonebanks

Mel Gibson is another incredibly important and influential actor in the action genre, especially in the 80s. Action franchises like Mad Max and Lethal Weapon are two of the best action franchises ever created. As such, Gibson is a more than welcome addition to The Expendables’ roster of ’80s action superstars. This time around, Gibson plays the villain in The Expendables 3 and is having a lot of fun doing it. Conrad Stonebanks is a very deadly antagonist who nearly kills Caesar, forcing Barney Ross to get rid of his old crew in fear that Stonebanks could easily kill them all.
The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances in the Action Franchise, Ranked

7. Sylvester Stallone – Barney Ross

Sylvester Stallone is a fantastic actor who has been nominated for multiple Oscars, which may come as a surprise to many. On that note, Stallone’s performance as Barney Ross, the titular leader of The Expendables, is certainly one of his best. Like his fellow cast members, Stallone simply has fun starring in an action movie with his best friends.
The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances in the Action Franchise, Ranked

6. Wesley Snipes – Doc

Wesley Snipes always delivers spectacular performances. His performance as Doc is definitely one of the best. His character is deeply insane, but his dialogue is funny. From ones like “Oh Sally, that man attacked me with a knife” and “tinkle, tinkle.” Even given the context, these lines don’t make sense. Snipes is a seasoned martial artist who brings his all to the role.
The Expendables: The 10 Best Performances in the Action Franchise, Ranked

5. Terry Crews – Caesar

Terry Crews his role as Lt. Terry Jerrords in Brooklyn Nine-Nine earned the actor a lot of fans, and while his role as Caesar in the Expendables franchise is certainly different and more serious, we still can’t help but love Terry Crews. His charm and charisma ooze off the screen, and his large physique and endless supply of muscles make him a valuable member of the Expendables team.

4. Jason Statham – Lee Christmas

Jason Statham always impresses in his action roles. His performance in the Fast and the Furious franchise is one of the best the franchise has to offer, his performance in the Transporter films is exceptional, and his performance in Spy is simply hilarious. The Expendables gives us more of the same Jason Statham, and that’s not something to complain about. His chemistry with the rest of the cast is infectious and very entertaining, and Jason Statham gets plenty of opportunities to show off his impressive martial arts skills.

3. Dolph Lungdren – Gunner

Like many of the characters in The Expendables, Gunner is quite one-dimensional. We delve a little into his past, but not enough for the audience to connect with his character. Dolph Lundgren gives Gunner more than enough energy, charisma, personality and action-hero skill to make Gunner one of the best and most memorable members of the Expendables team.

2. Jean-Claude Van Damme – Vilain

The legendary master of martial arts Jean-Claude Van Damme plays a villain with a clever name, Vilen, in the second part of the franchise “The Untouchables”. Vilen is merciless, scary and chaotic, and Van Damme portrays him perfectly. His character was the only villain who killed a member of the Unstoppable, and since Van Damme plays this role, we sincerely believe that his character is more than capable of this. Vilena’s dialogues are quite ridiculous, but Van Damme’s performance makes the meaningless dialogues brilliant. That’s right, thanks to Van Damme’s extensive experience in martial arts.


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1. Antonio Banderas – Galgo

Antonio Banderas, who starred in such films as “Once Upon a Time in Mexico”, “Desperate” and “Children of Spies”, became another actor who was very happy to see his action stars. However, we never expected that his character Galgo would be so interesting. All Galgo wants is to become part of a team of deadly mercenaries. In “The Invincibles 3” Galgo finally achieves his desire and at the same time gets great pleasure.