The Top 5 Best Bolo Yeung Movies

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The Top 5 Best Bolo Yeung Movies
Like many, growing yup I was equally captivated and by the characters of Bolo in Enter the Dragon and Chong Li in Bloodsport, I would scour every shelf of my local video store to find any VHS tapes with his name on the cover. Thankfully, aside from these two Hollywood blockbusters, where he starred opposite Bruce Lee and Jean Claude Van Damme respectively, the ‘Beast from the East’ also appeared in a raft of legendary Kung Fu flicks in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Despite being typecast as a villain in the vast majority of these films, the ‘Chinese Hercules’ also got the chance – although rarely – to flex his muscle as the hero in films such as Shootfighter: Fight to the Death (1993).vHowever, despite being a kind and generous family man off-screen, it is the menacing roles that best display Bolo’s formidable talents on-screen, and the following is a list of 5 best Bolo performances.
The Top 5 Best Bolo Yeung Movies

1. Bloodsport 1988

In Bloodsport Bolo Yeung’s intimidating stature, intense stare and magnetic screen presence are put to full effect via his menacing portrayal of the defending Kumite champion, Chong Li, who is the foil for Van Damme’s Frank Dux. Li is genuinely terrifying as the movie’s central villain, savaging, hospitalizing and killing any opponent that dares to enter the ring to take him on. Although the film is somewhat dated by today’s standards, the fight scenes are still every bit as exciting as they were back in the day, and Bolo’s portrayal of Chong Li, for me, stands out as his finest on-screen performance.


8 Things You Might Not Know About Bloodsport

2. Enter The Dragon (1973)

Enter the Dragon is arguably the finest martial arts film ever made thanks to Bruce Lee’s incredible and iconic performance, however Yeung’s role as Mr Han’s go-to henchman also helps contribute to the film’s legendary status. He gives an electric performance as Bolo, who indiscriminately snaps necks, arms and legs as if they were bottle tops. It’s just a shame the big man never gets to fight the master himself, as that would unequivocally have been cinematic gold (at the time Bruce did promise Bolo that he would fight him in Game of Death, but of course he died before they got the chance).

3. Chinese Hercules ( 1973)

Although the plot of Chinese Hercules is completely ripped from Bruce Lee’s breakout film The Big Boss (1971), Bolo Yeung’s performance transforms this otherwise routine Chinese boxer flick into cult viewing. He is at his kicking best, arguably performing some of the finest – and most exciting – fight scenes of his prolific career. Despite being every inch the Hercules figure the movie title suggest, he is lightning quick, and his signature move of crushing his opponent’s heads between his forearms.

4. Double Impact (1991)

Three years after the success of Bloodsport, Bolo Yeung and Jean Claude Van Damme replicated their memorable on-screen chemistry once more in 1991’s Double Impact. And, like Bloodsport, Bolo once again steals the show as Moon, the villainous one-eyed henchman, who is every bit as evil and twisted as he looks. The film boasts some superb fight scenes, and they’re never more exciting than when the high kicking Belgian goes toe-to-toe with the Bolo from the East – martial arts cinema at its best!

5. Shootfighter 2 (1996)

For example, in this film, Bolo does not play the role of a villain. The film is really interesting. Here is the plot of the film. Policeman Rawlins, whose son dies after contacting the mafia, decides to end the fight organizers. He turns to the sensei for help: Shingo (Bolo Yen), Akule (Brett Clark), Nika (Michael Bernardo), Rubenu (William Zabka). The heroes defeat their rivals at an underground competition and draw the attention of Lance, the bandit leader (who killed the policeman’s son). Lance is Shingo’s brother, who robbed their father and ran away with money. However, the criminals expose the plot of the heroes, the bandits capture Ruben (shooting his lover), Akula and Nika (set off a hidden gas cylinder in the car) and Shingo.


11 Ultimate Facts About Jean Claude Van Damme’s Bloodsport.