Top 10 Self Defense Martial Arts Styles

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Top 10 Self Defense Martial Arts Styles
We live in a pretty dangerous world these days. Despite our best efforts, a physical confrontation can happen at any time during even the most innocent outing. Consider the numerous brawls that have occurred at Disney World Orlando in recent months. Today’s society is filled with aggressive people, and knowing how to protect yourself is more important than ever. The difference between Martial Arts and self-defense is more than just a question of semantics.
Top 10 Self Defense Martial Arts Styles
Martial arts are a type of physical activity that uses techniques from sports and other types of fighting, while self-defense is more about defending yourself physically or verbally against an attacker. Many people think that to learn to protect themselves against everyday dangers they have to learn a martial art — they have to master Michelle Yeoh’s or Jackie Chan’s moves. This simply isn’t true. While many martial arts did evolve as self-defense systems, they suited the needs of a people in a specific time and place
(such as sword-fighting on horseback in 17th century Korea). They don’t translate well to practical, modern-day needs. You’re not, for example, going to do a flying kick to a potential rapist, workplace harasser, or child abuser. Instead, you can use self-defense techniques for the real dangers women, girls, and LGBTQI+ people face today. These are best addressed through a quality empowerment self-defense class. Self-defense and martial arts each have strengths — and they do have things in common.
Having to defend yourself against an intruder when you don’t know how can be terrifying. Adrenaline shoots through your body when fear and panic set in. Your mind races and instantly goes into fight or flight mode. If running is not possible, a decision must be made to stand up and fight. When you have the skills to defend yourself in such a situation, the solution comes with a little comfort and confidence. let’s have a look at Top 10 Self Defense Martial Arts Styles.


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