Wira (2019) Biography, Plot, Trailer

Wira (2019)

Wira (2019)

Wira is a 2019 Malaysian action film directed by Adrian Teh. The plot revolves around an ex-military man returning home after a long absence to help his family out of a situation with a local thug named Raja.


Zain loses a fight against Raja (a crime lord)’s daughter Vee, and Hassan (an ex-military commander) returns to his home. He meets with his childhood friend Inspector Boon Hua, and while they talk a couple of kids fight, but Inspector Boon lets them fight. Hassan meets his sister Zain, and his father where its revealed that his mother died recently. Hassan meets a street thug name Nazmi, where its revealed that Zain is working for Raja.Hassan also meets Ifrit who takes him to an underground MMA fight. Ifrit leads Hassan to Raja, where its revealed that Hassan used to work for Raja. Hassan asks Raja to leave Zain and his father alone, but Raja declines. Nazmi takes Hassan to a place so he and his thugs can beat him up,


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but Hassan spares Nazmi after apologizing about his insensitive joke for his sister, and Nazmi lets him go. Hassan goes to Zain to get treated, but get in an argument when Zain learns Hassan talked to Raja. Hassan’s dad nearly gets in a fight with social workers and finds Raja’s men. Hassan talks to Inspector Boon, who tries to convince Hassan to take down Raja but Hassan declines. Hassan gets in a fight with his father who doesn’t like Raja due to his corruption. Zain and Hassan meet Raja again, and Zain apologizes to Raja over insulting his children and himself. Raja declines, and humiliates Zain by making her eat from a dog bowl. Vee persuades Raja to make them fight in order to clear a hundred percent of their debt.
Hasan and Zain enter the ring to fight against Vee and Rayyan her adopted brother in a mixed martial arts fight. Both of them successfully beat Vee and Rayyan, and enter a bus after noticing Raja’s thugs trying to capture them. However, it’s a trap as Vee and Rayyan try to attack them for revenge. As the fight goes on, Zain knocks out Vee and indirectly kills Rayyan. Vee drives a bus into a pole, and gets out. Hassan is knocked out, but recovers just in time to escape. Raja doesn’t find Hassan and Zain’s bodies, and goes to Hassan’s place to find him.


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