Yuri Boyka: Biography Of The Athlete, Personal Life, Awards

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Yuri Boyka: Biography Of The Athlete, Personal Life, Awards
Yuriy Boyka is actually an American actor who played the corresponding character in the movie Undisputed. This is a real master of martial arts. Yuri Boyka in the film is considered a professional in his field. And the reason for this is daily training. Boyka is not afraid to fight alone against several people, realizing that the only way to become stronger is to constantly increase his combat potential. There is something in the character of this man. For many guys Boyka has become a real idol.


“The Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese and Americans have brought combat to a whole science. I improved it and put it on a new level!” – the statement of the king of prison fights without rules, Yuri Boyka. This Undisputed character has made deep headlines in many Internet sports groups and other self-improvement sites. Who is he? And why, many years after the release of the trilogy, is his name still mentioned in the male audience?
martial arts

Yuri Boyka: Fight Biography

For the first time, Yuri Boyka appears before us near numerous icons, praying to God for victory in the next battle. This immediately draws attention to his person. Indeed, after a few seconds, the fighter takes off his hood, and a stern man with numerous scars, Mohawk and tattoos appears before us. The combination of extraordinary cruelty, hatred and piety – all this allows Yuri to firmly establish himself in the minds of every viewer. It is unlikely that there will be someone who does not appreciate the charisma of this person, who, being in the most disastrous place in the country (yes, where are the planets), does not lose his image. On the contrary, the hero constantly improves it.
Undisputed III

Boyka Place:

For most of his life, Yuri Boyka, whose biography of the battles will be given in this article, has been in the Russian prison Black Hills, where the country’s most dangerous criminals are kept. Gray walls and endless snow outside the windows – this is Yuri’s atmosphere. The walls of the prison have long been peeled off, and water is constantly dripping from the ceiling. Rotten scum all around, looking at which you understand what a sad state you are in. However, Yuri did not think to give up. In a short time, he made the entire prison respect himself, from the prisoners to the authorities. He has free movement within its walls.


Yuri Boyka’s Fight Record In Undisputed (& Why He Won & Lost Each Match)

On the way, neither prisoners nor guards try to come across to him. Every day he trains hard in a specially designated room, which has become his personal cell. During the walk, the fighter constantly visits the prison church, spending a lot of time in prayer. His retinue meekly stands at the entrance and waits for him. And once a week, the one who still stood at the icons with a peaceful look and read prayers severely beats another fighter sent for his soul. At the same time, the outcome of the battle sometimes ends in death for Yuri’s opponent.

Fighting Style:

Even if we assume that Yuriy Boyka is a fighter without rules, it will be impossible to say something about his extraordinary fighting style. After all, in the ring, he demonstrates both a regular fight in the rack and a variety of creases in the stalls. In addition, his style contains numerous elements from tricking – an extreme sport that consists of various jumps (somersaults, etc.). Many people say: “Boxer Yuri  Boyka”. Actually, it is not. Yuri Boyka is a fighter, rather, of a mixed style. In his training, the man uses at least three people who scatter from his blows, like skittles in a bowling alley. Various kicks, punches, kicks in jumps and being on the ground – all this falls on both his sparring partners and opponents.

First Fight:

In the first fight, Yuri fights with the champion of another maximum security prison – Galich. The fight is short, but colorful. Boyka literally plays with the enemy, demonstrating his fighting potential. Multiple strikes and tricks that he performs in the ring do not leave anyone bored in the hall. In addition, it is worth considering that each of his fights is accompanied by a sweepstakes. A lot of bets go to him, and only a few, hoping for a force majeure event, bet insignificant amounts on his opponents, whose odds go off scale. It’s obvious who will win. Yuri brutally beats his opponent, leaving him no chance of victory. A few minutes later, Galich lies defeated.


Having lost hope of winning back their money, bookmakers (if they can be called that) begin to develop a way to beat the champion. For this, the fight of the main character against the heavyweight boxing champion Chambers, who heard about Yuri Boyka, is planned. According to the bookmaker’s predictions, the outcome of the fight should satisfy their requests and help return the money lost earlier. No matter how sad, the fight justifies the expectations of the bookmakers, and Yuri loses it. The American did not succeed at once, because at first he suffered a number of failures. But at the end of the fight, he manages to grab Boyka and break his leg.


After a fight with an American fighter, Yuri has to go through a long rehabilitation. An open fracture of the leg does not heal for a long time, so the fighter for some time becomes an ordinary lame inhabitant of the Black Hills. In addition, if earlier he had huge privileges in his prison, now even a prison rat would not envy his position. His spacious hall was replaced by a rotten toilet room and other unpleasant places in the Black Hills, which Yuri Boyka endures for some time. The best thing he can do for now is to wait. He is denied parole several times, which would have driven anyone into serious despair, but not him. Every evening, Boyka works out his leg with a special simulator, which he himself made from a rope, a bucket and a prison bed shackle. Every evening he does not stop reading prayers. And one day, in a brazen way, he demands from his superiors to let him into the ring. However, he is denied this, due to the presence of a new champion on it.
martial arts

Fight with Zaikov:

Zaikov appears before us as a massive clumsy bear, ruthlessly beating his opponents with rustic sweeping blows. There are no kicks or grabs in his style. He practically does not work on the ground. However, at the same time, he manages to become a champion, although this is not for long. As soon as Boyka enters the ring, he immediately delivers a series of blows to Zaykov, unbalancing him. After that, a jump kick literally knocks Yuri’s opponent out of the ring. Thus, Boyka again regains the status of the champion of fights without rules of the Black Hills prison.


Why Boyka Didn’t Become The “Most Complete Fighter” Until Undisputed 3

Tournament in a Georgian prison:

Gorgons, a strict regime prison located on the territory of Georgia, hosts a tournament in prison fights without rules, where the strongest fighters come from all over the world. Boyka is also here. At the border, his convoy changes from Russian to Georgian, and then Yuri gets into the prison walls. At the very beginning, all the participants of the tournament are shown. There are eight of them in total, and they came from different parts of the world. This is a Croatian fighter, and a Greek one, as well as fighters from France and North Korea.
The fighter in the style of capoeira – Silva attracts attention. But most of all, the American boxer Turbo catches the eye of Boyka. And this is not surprising, because he somehow reminds him of Chambers – the very one after which Yuri had to rehabilitate for a long time. The champion of the Gorgons is a member of the Colombian cartel – Dollor. In addition, he turns out to be a drug addict, injecting himself with stimulants every day, which allows him to reach heights in the ring.

Unequal Chances

However, the leadership of the prison has already calculated everything, and a series of fights will take place with an outcome already predetermined by them. To achieve their goals, every day they send fighters to the grueling work of quarrying stone. In the expectation that the exhausted prisoners will not be able to fully train, and, therefore, defeat Dollor, who at this time is on a high mountain under an umbrella and is reading a book. However, if this gradually breaks the rest of the fighters, then for Boyka, work does not become an obstacle to training. Every evening he practices blows, pulls iron. In addition, the American boxer Turbo joins him. This begins to disturb the authorities, and they develop new plans.

Friendship with Turbo:

After several conflict situations, Yuri and Turbo become comrades and train together. They develop new techniques based on those that the prison authorities provide them with the aim of wearing them down. But all this turns out to be nothing to them. The stone gorge, where they are obliged to crush the stone, becomes for them a sports hall in which they come up with new and new exercises. The workouts are for both strength and speed. With the help of huge stones, they work out lunges, throwing them at a distance, and a hammer helps to develop a strong blow. And this does not go unnoticed by the prison administration.


Every Opponent Scott Adkins’ Boyka Has Fought In The Undisputed Movies

Undisputed III
And it is not surprising, because a lot of money is staked on Dollar, and the loss of the Colombian fighter cannot be allowed. Therefore, the prison guards beat up Turbo, which makes it impossible for him to continue to fight in the tournament. It also becomes known that all the losing fighters do not reach home, but are shot on the outskirts of the city. Realizing that his American friend will not be able to participate in the tournament, Yuri helps him escape. Naturally, he does not get away with it, and the authorities beat Yuri, after which he throws him into the ring to Dollor.

Fights Without Rules: Yuri Boyka Final Fight:

Dollor, while under the influence of stimulant drugs, shows extraordinary dexterity in his techniques. He has tremendous speed, stamina, and literally doesn’t feel Yuri’s punches. Various jumping punches, punches and kicks throw Yuri around the ring. One of them throws a Russian fighter out of it. It also opens up an old wound. Blood is pouring out of his leg. Fortunately, there is a mop with a wet rag next to it on the floor. This allows Yuri to bandage himself and get up again. Once in the ring, the fighter changes places with Dollor. Remembering who is the true champion in prison battles, the hall supports Boyka with their cries. A minute later, Dollor is in a deplorable state and with the last of his strength throws himself at Yuri, trying to kick him. To which Boyko makes a counterattack, breaking the Colombian’s leg.
Undisputed III (2010)

To Freedom!

After the victory of the Russian fighter, the leadership considers his victory undeserving of the main prize – freedom. Yuri is sent to the suburbs, where he is expected to be shot. But at the most unexpected moment, Turbo appears and helps his friend deal with the guards. Thus, the protagonist is free. In general, the film ends on the note “Yuri Boyka is the best fighter in the world”.


Undisputed: How Scott Adkins Saved The Franchise